1. Choose the pots carefully:
Make sure there are more holes at the bottom of the pot that allow better flow of water. Not enough seepage of water will lead to the premature death of the plant as the roots tend to drown in excess water.
Almost all the type of containers make good pots, it depends on your style of preference and budget. If you use light weight containers, they will be easy to move from one place to another. Plant promotion experts will guide you perfectly in details on what fits best in what type of pots.
2. Choose the potting mix wisely:
Never use soil from the garden or your yard. It s filled with many unwanted components like insects, weeds, algae or fungi. Instead, buy potting soil from your local garden store. It is generally lose and light mixture of materials that include peat moss, vermiculite, and decomposed organic matter.
To reduce expensive maintenance, buy a mix which contains a time release fertilizer and moisture retaining crystals. Contact your nearest plant promotion services for a better idea of the mix.
3. Now, Choose the shrubs:
First make all the conditions of your available space. For example, if you buy and keep a rose at a porch which receives full sun only during the morning time for approximately an hour, your rose will die soon. This is because rose requires minimum 6 hours of direct sunlight.
Do a bit of research, read more about the requirements of various types of vegetation available and then decide upon which will suit best for your available space.
When buying, keep it simple and buy the same kinds for one pot. You cannot put a cactus and pansy in one pot and expect them to stay for long!
4. Prepare the pots
If you have chosen a large pot, make sure it is prepared in the same location where you would want it to be after the filling of mix. Before pouring in the soil, check its moisture content. Read the directions written on the bag carefully. Fill the container with the soil. Never pack it too hard. If possible, take relevant tips and suggestions from the breeder services.
5. Pot it:
Take it out from its nursery container. Set it on top of the mix. Carefully fill in small handfuls of soil and pat gently.