Plant breeding is, of course, an important area of study
that involves a major investment in technology, people and facilities. After
years of research, the agricultural specialists come up with their ultimate
success in plant breeding. However, discovering and developing any kind of
plant that is of a new spice is really tough as well as expensive. Keeping
these factors in mind, in 1961 The International Convention for the Protection
of New Varieties of Plants had been introduced which was revised in the years
1972, 1978, and 1991 respectively. The primary objective of this program was to
preserve the new variety of plants without harming their qualities.
Moreover, this protected
varieties approach has encouraged the breeders to invest more capital and
time in plant breeding. It also opens a way towards the development of the
agricultural field. However, there are some key factors about plant variety protection
plan that a breeder should know. And these essential points are mentioned below
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