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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Do You Know About the Process That Goes Behind Plant Trials in UK?

So what comes to mind when someone says the word ‘gardening’?

Lush green lawns?

Lots of plants sprouting beautiful flowers?

The process of sowing seeds and cultivating a piece of land?

While admittedly all of those things have something to do with gardening, did you know that professional gardening also involves the all-important process of using plant trials?
So let’s first get to what a plant trial is.

Most plants across the country are subject to weather or infestation related problems at different times of the year. However, this is something that you as a plant developer can easily avoid by using the process of plant trials.

plant nurseries Norfolk

Conducting a trial is the gardening and horticulture industry’s way of knowing how various plant varieties will react to different weather conditions. A plant trial however, is not a one step process.
Would you like to understand the various steps involved in a plant trials in UK? Read on to find out!


The foundation stone for most plant trials at horticulture centres around the world starts with an extensive research. First and foremost, the members of the nursery select the varieties to be trialled.

The selection of these varieties depends on the study of various properties like weather, breeding tendency, popularity and more. The best places trial a whole host of new and undiscovered plant varieties over an extended area of land. 

Selection for Display and Utility

During this next stage, under trial varieties from the research stage are selected on the basis of display or utility.

Plants that can potentially serve some kind of medicinal or other purpose are selected for utility. On the other hand, varieties selected for display become part of a different bunch.

However, this evaluation takes place only after the research team deems a plant to have reached its optimum potential.

Improving Plant Culture

Sometimes a particular plan variety can require special attention from you. For instance, Fingered Speedwell native to plant nurseries in Norfolk flower only between the months March and May. You cannot culture it during any other time of the year.

These details and observations in the final phase serve to improve plant culture for successful future breeding.

All in all, plant trials are the ideal way to go about successful plant development and breeding for the future.

Let us know in the comments if your nursery likes to include any more processes. Happy trialling! 

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