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Monday, September 17, 2018

A Simple guide to everything you should know about Plant Patent

Patents are usually granted to ideas that are innovative and useful in several situations. Likewise, plant patents are given to those who discover a new plant. But, to receive plant patent protection, the applicant must be able to asexually reproduce them.

What is a plant patent?

A plant patent can be obtained for newly invented plants that are propagated asexually. A plant is asexually reproduced it if it is produced by other means than seeds like layering, grafting or cutting the plant.

Asexual reproduction is the need for a plant patent as it provides proof that the applicant can create duplicate plants. It includes hybrid species, mutant species, cultigens and newly found seedlings that are not derived from a tuber reproduced plant or a plant that is found in an uncultivated form. The patent lasts for around 20 years and gives authority to the inventor to stop other people from asexual reproduction of the same plant as well selling or using the plant.

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